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Note: Statistics pulled from http://battlegrounds.party/weapons/raw/

The S1897 (Winchester 1897) is a shotgun type weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS.

The Winchester Model 1897 "Trench Gun" (simply called the S1897 in-game) was designed by John Moses Browning. More than a million have been produced during its service era, used in conflicts from the Philippine-American War all the way through to the Gulf War. Typically chambered for 12 and 16 gauge, the in-game iteration is chambered solely for 12 gauge shotshell. Since its introduction in 1897 it has seen usage with military, law enforcement and hunters due to its effectiveness in close range combat, and now sees usage within BATTLEGROUNDS as a common shotgun.


The S1897 excels in clearing houses with the simple point-and-shoot principle, its spread allowing a greater probability of hitting the target. Careful aim is still essential since missing one shot can easily result in death due to the time required to rack the pump.

With a choke attached, the shotgun gains considerable range in the form of 25% tighter spread, being able to take out opponents from a fairly long distance. The reduced spread means reduced effectiveness in close quarters combat however. The duckbill choke has the opposite effect, spreading the pellets over a wider horizontal area, increasing effectiveness at close range.

Modest shotgun.
~ In-game description

Update history

Update #59 (Season 15 - Update 15.1)
  • Increased hit probability on short range

Update #41 (Season 7 - Update 7.2)

  • Body damage multiplier changes
  • Increased limb multiplier from 0.9 to 1.05.
  • Increased head multiplier from 1.25 to 1.5.
  • Increased hip-fire accuracy.
  • Decreased accuracy penalty during movement.
  • Decreased damage drop over distance for all shotguns.
  • Increased the pump-action speed.

Update #33 (Season 4 - Update 4.3)

  • Adjusted shotgun balance.
    • Maximum effective range set to 80 m.
    • Pump action speed increased by 20%.
    • Pump action will no longer temporarily un-ADS the player.

Update #31 (Season 4 - Update 4.1)

  • Buffs
    • Increased per pellet base damage of S686, S1897 from 24 to 26.
  • Nerfs
    • Reduced maximum bullet travel distance of all shotguns from 1000 m to 150 m.

Update #12 - v3.8.21.9

  • Increased overall damage and effective range.
    • Increased limb shots modifier (shooting limbs now does more damage).
    • Slightly decreased the damage of the S1897.
    • Reduced pellet spread by 25%.


The following are attachable to this firearm:

Weapon audio

Audio Type Firing Mode Track preview
Normal S1897 single fire
Reloading with bullet loops S1897 reloading
Reloading without bullet loops S1897 reloading



