Dev Log: Alpha 2 Test – Update 3

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The following is an official dev log from the BATTLEGROUNDS website.


Alpha 2 Test – Update 3.jpg


The final Alpha 2 weekend is nearly upon us, and this post will update you on what we have changed for this weekend’s DUOS test. While we are excited to allow you to play with friends this coming weekend, please be aware that the team play system we have in-place is an early version of the final product. We expect that a lot will change between now and the next time we open testing early next year.

In the current system, you’ll only be able to choose your teammate from your Steam friends list if their profile is set to public. If they have a private Steam profile, you can invite them to join your team by entering their nickname in the search box at the top of the Invite Friends area. If you haven’t chosen a teammate when the game begins, you will be assigned one at random. Please know that if you are reported to have killed your teammate deliberately, you may be removed from testing. As always, we ask you to play fair with your fellow testers.

The servers will be online on Thursday from 8PM-12AM PST for a short stress test of the new build ahead of this weekend’s test

Before we get to the patch notes I’d like to detail a new feature we’ve added for team play matches: the Revive System. This system, which will be included in this weekend’s build, is still in an early state, and we anticipate it will change before it’s been finalized. We’ll be reading and implementing your feedback and thoughts to help guide us in that direction.

Revive system for team play matches

  • Once your character reaches 0 HP, you will enter the DBNO (Down But Not Out) state and your teammate has 90 seconds to revive you, or you will die permanently
  • You can revive your teammate while they are in DBNO state by pressing F next to their body.
  • Once a player’s been revived, they return with 10% HP.
  • By dealing damage to a player in DBNO state, you will reduce the remaining time they have during which they can be revived
  • You can enter the DBNO state multiple times during a match, but the time allowed for you to be revived will reduce each subsequent time (90s > 33s > 20s > 14s > 11s > 9s > 0s)
  • If your teammate is dead when you die, you will not enter DBNO state, but instead die immediately

Finally, we have tracked down and fixed an issue which was causing some of the servers to crash last weekend. We have also indentified some problems that caused some of the weird vehicle issues you expierenced during last weekend’s test. These have been resolved for the most part, so you should have a much smoother experience during this weekend’s testing.

See you in-game,


Minimum Requirements (updated)

Minimum Requirements (updated).jpg

Alpha 2 Patch Notes

New Features

2 Player Team Play Mode (WIP)

  • You can choose your teammate from the Steam friends list in the pre-game lobby, if their profile is public.
  • If you have a private Steam profile, you can be invited to join a team by using the nickname invite box.
  • You can now view your friend’s stats by hovering over their profile picture and clicking the stats button
  • Added push-to-talk for team voice chat

Revive System for Team Play Modes (WIP)

  • In 2 player team mode, once your HP reaches 0, your character will enter DBNO (Down But Not Out) state
  • While in DBNO state, your character won’t be able to do anything (i.e – move, fire weapons, use items, etc) except be revived by a teammate
  • When in DBNO state, your character’s revive time will gradually decrease. When your revive time reaches zero, your character will die and cannot be revived for the rest of the match
  • When your teammate enters DBNO state, the teammate icon on the HUD will change to indicate that your teammate needs help
  • If your character enters DBNO state while your teammate is either dead or also already in a DBNO state, your character will instantly die.
  • When your teammate is in DBNO state, you can revive them by nearing them and interacting with the character using the “F” key
  • It is possible for your character to enter DNBO state multiple times in a single match, but it will cause your revive time to decrease at a faster rate for every subsequent time that you enter a DBNO state

Stability Improvements

  • Fixed an issue causing the game servers to crash last weekend

Quality of Life Improvements

  • Decreased the time players remain in the airplane at the start of a match
  • Players are now dropped from the airplane at more diverse areas of the island
  • Stackable items (Medical items, Boost items, Ammo) are now distributed into multiple slots when exceeding a certain amount
  • Added some camera effects during the freefall/parachuting phase
  • All consumable items (Medical items, Boost items) can now be canceled
  • When in third person view, you can now press the tilde (`) key to swap between left and right shoulder view

Balance Adjustments

  • Adjusted the shrinking rate of the play area. Now, the area will shrink more quickly during the initial phases of a match, but slower during the later phases

Loot Adjustments

  • Increased the spawn rate of low value weapons and items
  • Decreased the spawn rate of high value weapons
  • Decreased the spawn rate of level 3 gear

Bug Fixes

• Fixed a bug causing some players to appear invisible or transparent • Fixed a bug that caused Crossbows to sometimes spawn without bolts nearby