Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

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The following are the official Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) for BATTLEGROUNDS.


  2. Q: How much does the game cost? | A: It's free.
  3. Q: What VOIP provider does PUBG use on PC? | A: Vivox
  4. Q: What Anti-cheat does PUBG use on PC? | A: PUBG uses 3 anti-cheats. 1) BattlEye, 2) Their own created anti-cheat system 3) Unknown
  5. Q: Bans? | A: Bans (justice) will be distributed to the cheats in the form of Waves (like in Rainbow Six: Siege), which is believed to be the most efficient way of doing to catch a large amount of cheaters.
  6. Q: Is the game 64 bit or 32 bit? | A: 64 bit
  7. Q: Linux or Apple? | A: "There's just not enough Linux players. The same is true for Mac. We just do not have enough resources at the moment. It's not on the roadmap. I'm sorry." [1]
  8. Q: What game engine is it running? | A: It's running on Unreal Engine 4.
  9. Q: Console? | A: PUBG is on Xbox One and soon on PS4 (sometime in 2018).
  10. Q: How big is the map? | A: Map Erangel and Miramar is a 8x8 km map, while Sanhok is a 4x4 km map.
  11. Q: Why does Erangel take place in Russia? | A: Because PLAYERUNKNOWN likes the abandoned Russia feel and he loves the brutalistic architecture.
  12. Q: Will there ever be dynamic weather (i.e changing from sun to night) in a match? | A: "No, since the matches only last 30 minutes so it doesn't make sense." [2] As of August 8th, the feature is now applied in all maps, you will usually get Sunny weather that won't change throughout the match, but when the weather is cloudy, there's a great chance that it will be Raining or Foggy depending on the server. [3]
  13. Q: Why is game so familiar? | A: It's a mixture of PLAYERUNKNOWN'S mods from Arma 2/3 and PLAYERUNKNOWN'S licensed Battle Royale mode in H1Z1 KotK.
  14. Q: If I'm getting great FPS in the test server, will that transfer over to the stable version? | A: When playing on the test server, take it with a grain of salt. Test servers aren't being stressed out to the max which means the servers on the test server will give you better performance.
  15. Q: In-game text chat? | A: "That was just as intended. Nobody wants to supervise an in-game text chat. We should have had to build bots to monitor the news. We would need word filters, people would have to kick or even banish - there was simply no reason for that. There are just so many trolls. Many players use our voice chat." [4]
  16. Q: e-Sports? | A: PUBG wants to have 4 major events (maybe 4 times a year) for the top players on the leaderboards, alongside with the big streamers and YouTubers to raise serious money for charities. Then, with the custom servers (later on down the road), you will have the ability to rent servers with leaderboards attached so that people can host their own leagues on their own servers.[5][6]
  17. Q: What do the numbers under the health bar mean? | A: username, the #/version of the update the game is on and your server code (to report server lag, etc on the forums).
  18. Q: Can you family share on Steam? | A: Yes and no. If someone played PUBG for the first game and created a username, that username will then be played by that username on all the family share accounts you shared PUBG to. Family share for new usernames got disabled/removed to prevent trolls and cheaters.
  19. Q: What are the characters modeled after? | A: They are modeled/designed to look like battle-hardened mercenaries to fit Erangel lore. The female is based on 'Sarah Connor (Terminator)' and for the male, there just based on gritty action movies.


  1. Q: What is the ranking system? | A: ELO
  2. Q: How do I get a better ELO score/rank? | A: It's nothing to do with kills. It's based on the rank the player(s) you are competing with and player(s) that have died around you. It's based on skill and your own rank. A lot of it is behind closed doors so that people can't take advantage of the system.[7]
  3. Q: How do I lose a ranking? | A: If you die to an utter noob with a low ELO, you will most likely lose ranking depending on their rank. - PLAYERUNKNOWN
  4. Q: Stream snipers are killing me, how is PUBG going to combat that in ranking? | A: PUBG has ranked and unranked servers. All the noobs that are trying to kill you and ruin your experience, they will be put on different servers according to your ranking. So these stream snipers will never be in a game with you anymore.[8]
  5. Q: I'm I being matched with other people in my ranking? | A: Yes, your matched with people within your ELO ranking.[9]
  6. Q: Will there be unranked servers? | A: Yes, unranked will come so you can learn the game or fool around without losing your ELO ranking.[10]
  7. Q: What maps have MMR/ELO? | A: All the maps; Erangel, Miramar and just recently Sanhok‎ all have MMR-based matchmaking.


  • Q: Will there be range finders? | A: Yes, they do have plans to implement them. No ETA.[11]
  • Q: Will binoculars ever come to the game? | A: Yes.
  • Q: You will be able to hold an extra helmet or vest in a backpack? | A: No [12]
  • Q: Will there be new scopes that have an acog but a red dot on top? | A: They are looking at adding a second option to scopes.[13]
  • Q: Will gas masks ever be useful? Or only cosmetic? | A: They are looking at adding a gas grenade so it can have a purpose, but no plans just yet.[14]


  • Q: How are the vehicle sounds recorded? | A: All the vehicles are recorded in a studio booth recording the honks, revs, acceleration and more. [15]
  • Q: Will helicopters ever come to the game? | A: No, but there will be full mod support. So someone could do it, but it won't be in the base game, only custom servers.[16]
  • Q: Will vehicles with mounted weapons come to any of the game modes? | A: No because they will be too overpowered. BUT, this doesn't stop modders to add this feature into their own game modes.[17]


  1. Q: When someone makes a mod, will it ever come to the base game? | A: There is a possibility that it may come if it's popular.[18]
  2. Q: FOV Slider? | A: FOV slider is for 1st person view only. It can be changed from 80 minimum (what it is currently) - 103 maximum (ie; Overwatch, TF2, etc..).
  3. Q: How close to "real life" values are the current (Closed Beta / February - March) drop/velocities? | A: "The initial velocity is same as IRL but without drag, the drop is a bit lower."
  4. Q: Bullet physics? | A: "We are working on implementation of drag, penetration and deflection." As of now, bullets can penetrate doors, water and wooden shacks. Bullets can deflect from the pan.
  5. Q: Destruction? | A: Yes, there's destruction. As of right now, you can blow up doors and destructible shacks, vehicles blow up and you can knock down fences with a vehicle.
  6. Q: Is it like H1Z1 where if you jump out of the car you don't get hurt? | A: No, you get damaged depending on the speed or you die.
  7. Q: Attachments? It's been stated that attachments change the gun? How so? | A: Take the silencer for example. See one on the ground? Pick it up, the silencer reduces the distance you can hear the shot from to about 350m, so if they shot at you past that distance you wouldn't hear where the shot came from. All everyone else hears is a muffled shot, but that muffled shot you can be picked out if you listen closely to it (so be warned if anyone is near you).
  8. Q: Doors open away from the player? | A: All doors open away from the player to prevent 'awkwardness.' [19]
  9. Q: Can you change the tire on a vehicle with a spare tire if one tire is punctured? | A: No
  10. Q: Any plans to introduce wildlife? | A: No at the minute. BATTLEGROUNDS needs to get finished first.[20]
  11. Q: Recoil is too random, it should have some kind of pattern with a small amount of spread for each shot (like CS:GO does it). Going full-auto on an enemy is more a thing of luck than skill right now. | A: The current recoil system is designed to reward those with quicker reaction times. We don't want to go down the road of recoil patterns as these can be easily beaten with mouse macros. [21]


  • Q: Any paid cosmetics? | A: "What were planning to do, is to add purchasable cosmetic items (like clothes/skins) via crates, this will allow us to create free DLC packs down the road." Microtransactions are coming after Early Access. As of 8/3/17, a test version of crates have been implemented into the game (as seen by the first crate 'Gamescom' that needs a key to open) to test probability, the economy and also to see if the keys actually worked. After Early Access, Bluehole wants to implement microtransactions so that it will support the longevity of the game with a steady income to cover server cost, development and free DLC (like new weapons, maps, etc).[22]
    • Q: You and other at BlueHole promised us absolutely no microtransactions during Early Access. And yet, in part to pay for a marketing event by BlueHole, you did implement those, breaking the trust and faith of a lot of players who thought you were one of the few to do Early Access right for once. Won't you try anything meaningful to repair that breach? | Yes, I did promise no microtransactions during Early Access, mainly due to my lack of understanding of development and for that I apologize. However, we needed to test the system planned before full release and we saw the Gamescom event as a chance to do this. We still will not add the full system until we leave Early Access, but the system needed to be tested. [23]
  • Q: What type of clothing? | A: Bluehole wants realistic clothing, like this (1 & 2), nothing arcadey like in H1Z1.
  • Q: Will items purchased during Early Access transfer to your Live account once the game officially launches? | A: Yes
  • Q: Will items purchased in the Test Server transfer to your Live account? | A: No

Servers/Game modes

  • Q: What type of servers is PUBG currently using for PC? | A: Amazon Web Services (AWS), running on the top spec machines.[24]
    • Q: What type of servers is PUBG currently using for Xbox? | A: Microsoft Azure servers [25]
  • Q: What's the server tick rate? | A: 60Hz
    • Q: Why did the servers have lower Hz before? | A: Due to unoptimized servers it didn't reach 60Hz, it reached between 15 - 25Hz. [26]
  • Q: Will the servers be in each region? | A: If the demand is high enough they can spin up servers in each region.[27]
  • Q: If someone queues behind me when I enter matchmaking, will they enter the same server? | A: No, they will be put into different servers.[28]
  • Q: Mod support? | A: Yes and no. It's supposed to come out at full release on 12/20/17, but it got delayed due to other features. ETA, coming soon with Steam Workshop support.
  • Q: If I team in Solo servers will I get banned? | A: Yes, you will be banned/suspended (depending on the circumstance).
  • Q: What game mode perspectives are in the game? | A: 1st person only & 3rd person (w/ 1st person optional).
  • Q: What type of servers/game modes are there? | A: Solo, Duo, SQUADS (team up in groups of 2, 3 or 4 players, or if you prefer, you can still play solo and take on everyone alone). Check out game modes for more.


  • Q: Why is it called PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS? | A: It was first called 'PLAYERUNKNOWN'S Battle Royale,' but PLAYERUNKNOWN didn't like that, and also, he wanted to give it a unique name.[29]
  • Q: Who created the logo? | A: Jacob Boghosian, the one who created the 'Stranger Things' logo.[30]
  • Q: As of Alpha - Early Access, what is the main menu made out of? | A: It's made out of javascript, css and html. You can see the Beta build here and the LIVE build here.
  • Q: Where can I see the concept art of the game? A: Head to concept art to see all the art.
  • Q: Where is the PUBG Studio? | A: It's based in Korea, but a few people are working in Seattle, WA, USA.
  • Q: How many people are in the studio working on PUBG... (from Alpha - Beta)? | A: 35 people in the studio and around 5 freelancers.
    • Q: How many people are in the studio working on PUBG (from Alpha - Beta)? | A: 35 people in the studio and around 5 freelancers.
    • Q: How many people are in the studio working on PUBG (from Steam Early Access)? | A: 100 people in the studio and 15 in the USA.
  • Q: Is the same studio (Bluehole) working on the console versions? | A: No, they have a separate studio and group of developers working on the console versions. With Microsoft's partnership, Microsoft sent developers to the studio where the console version is being made to develop it better and faster.
  • Q: BATTLEGROUNDS is being designed by Bluehole, what does their studio in Korea look like? | A: View of the studio -
  • Q: How do you gather these new weapons before PUBG Corp even announces them? | A: Only some of the weapon articles that we created were from "leaks." But mostly thanks to Reddit, more specifically the /r/PUBATTLEGROUNDS subreddit. Dataminers look at the game files every time the game updates and see what new content, files or even code that's in-game.

Proper title formatting

  • Q: All capital letters for the game name? | A: PLAYERUNKNOWN likes it the way it looks in all capital letters (as stated in a interview), he doesn't like the look of it in lowercase.[31]

The game uses an untraditional title formatting where the whole game name is capitalized.



  • PUBG
  • Playerunknown's Battlegrounds
  • Player Unknown's Battlegrounds


  • BG
  • PUB
  • PUB G
  • PubG
  • PUBS
  • PU'SBG

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