Game Modes/Custom/Guides/eSports Mode

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Create match - eSports Mode

  1. Name your custom match and set it to either public or private (with a password).
  2. Select eSports.
  3. Select a preset—more of these will be made available over time.
  4. These are default settings which are necessary to create any custom match.
  5. The game will be created on the regional server location selected on the lobby screen.

Note: Currently a minimum of 10 players are required before being able to start the match.

Once the lobby is created, you can then access the following settings via the “Match Setting” button.

ESports Mode-Create Match.jpg

Rule settings

  • Control eSports exclusive vehicle spawn rate.
    • Nothing mechanically different here, just a snazzy new paint job for the Dacia and Mirado.
ESports Mode-Rule-settings.jpg