Armored UAZ

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The Armored UAZ is an off-road vehicle in BATTLEGROUNDS, it's one of the drivable UAZs. It's currently only available in custom games or in event mode.


The Armored UAZ is a heavily-armored mid-sized vehicle, closed entirely closed from the exterior area with armor plates.

The UAZ parachutes in from a custom air drop by using the Flare gun outside the white safe zone. If you use the flare gun inside the white safe zone, a random weapon care package drops.

  • You can not ADS out of it.
  • Either a bug or a feature; It's pretty easy to get shoot through skirts of the windows. You can still get downed while driving or being the passenger.
  • Rumored; It takes a half squad about 8 seconds of firing at it to blow it up.
