Articles/The Boogeyman

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I locked all my doors, as if it will matter. This is my last report. I’m taking the advance and running. I more than earned it. Don’t come trying to shake me down for more snooping. There are scarier things than you coming after me. I send you this, and then we’re quits.

They call him The Boogeyman.

That’s been the last eight months of my life. That’s what you sent me to find. You have my earlier reports. All the underworld bedtime stories. He never sleeps after being a subject in a Russian experiment. He burned his fingerprints off with acid. He takes one ritual bite of the flesh of every kill and bathes in the blood Bathory style.

I estimated to you before that only half the stories are true, and that would be enough to make Attila the Hun piss himself.

I spent the last two months on the ground, burning shoe leather, talking to the people who live in the places the Boogeyman has allegedly visited. Thing is, you can hear the stories, but you don’t really get it until you’re in those places. He haunts those places and people. He’s seeped into the crumbling pavement. They fear him. This guy lives rent free in the sub-basements of all their heads, rattling his chains.

Story goes, the Russian military had him cornered once. Sent in a dozen attack dogs. These vicious, military dogs would not attack the Boogeyman, just brushed past and off him like drops of rain. Another story says the dogs turned on and killed their masters. I believe the first story is true. The second story might be embellishment. Might.

The best leads point to the Boogeyman being former Armed Forces. During some raid, his whole unit was taken out. Only he survived. That night, he methodically butchered every single enemy all on his own. This is the guy who convinced one of the most hardened mob bosses of Russia to kill himself just by talking to him over the phone. He comes in. He leaves. No one can see or stop him.

One lead led to another, and I found myself in the head office of Pillar. You’ll know the name, infamous private military company, the one that always has the U.N. clutching its pearls. My intel suggested that the head of the company, Bogdan Petrovic, had served with the Boogeyman and could identify him on sight.

Well... I met with Petrovic. I’m not going to tell you what happened at that meeting. I’m not going to inform you what was shared. I will only say what I pieced together: Bogdan Petrovic is the Boogeyman.

I said before that half the stories were true. Sitting alone and armed in the dark, right now, I think that every story is true. I locked the doors. It won’t matter. I’ve seen the face of the Boogeyman, and he’s in charge of the most feared military company on earth.

Don’t come looking for me. You can’t blackmail me anymore. I’ve seen the face of evil. I’ve been marked. My only hope is that by sending you this information, you’ll be marked too.

-J. Harken