Backpack (Level 3)

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The Backpack (Level 3) is a backpack in BATTLEGROUNDS.


The Backpack (Level 3) is a storage piece of equipment that allows for a significant amount of item storage, increasing your inventory by + 250 capacity. Although the Level 3 backpack features the most storage capacity, it is a large and conspicuous giveaway, particularly when lying prone. Some prefer the Level 2 Backpack for this reason, as it has a much slimmer profile and is only - 50 capacity from the Level 3.

  • Backpack level 3 only = 270 hold capacity


This type of backpack has 2 variants.

Related Achievements

Achievement Name Picture Description Platform
Okay, Now I'm Ready

Achievement-Okay Now I'm Ready.jpg

Equip a Lv.3 Helmet, Military Vest, and Backpack in 10 matches.

See also