Camo Set

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The Camo Set (formally named PGI Camo Set) is an exclusive crate in BATTLEGROUNDS inspired for the PGI (PUBG Global Invitational) 2018.



  • As of November 15th, all the items in this became available.


Crate items

Upon opening the crate, you get all these items in the Camo Set.

Image Name Category
[[File:|52px]] Icon equipment Head Beanie and Headphones.png [[Beanie and Headphones|]] Beanie and Headphones Hat
[[File:|52px]] Icon body Jacket Digital Camo Jacket.png [[Digital Camo Jacket|]] Digital Camo Jacket Jacket
[[File:|52px]] Icon equipment Legs Digital Camo Pants.png [[Digital Camo Pants|]] Digital Camo Pants Pants
