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The DBNO (Down But Not Out) or 'Revive State' is a feature in BATTLEGROUNDS that can be used to revive downed squad mates.


The DBNO (Down But Not Out) feature was introduced in Alpha Update 3. Once players HP reaches 0 they will go into a DBNO state that players can only crawl and drop items, you cannot shoot or use items while in this state.


  • When a teammate is in DBNO state, players can revive them by nearing them and interacting with the character using the “F” key
    • The reviving time icon will be visible to both the squad mate reviving the player and the player down.
  • When in DBNO state, a players revive time will gradually decrease. When revive time reaches zero, the character will die and cannot be revived for the rest of the match.
    • The timer will not decrease if a teammate is attempting to revive a player.
  • When in DBNO you can lower the bleedout timer by 'Carrying' your squad-mate to the nearest safe spot to revive them in a more coverable state.


  • When reviving your squad mate, it's best to have a smoke grenade in your inventory so that you can throw it down on the ground to revive a player in the open, or if possible revive your teammate behind cover (i.e, a wall, building, tree).


  • If DBNO, teammates can carry you and if you're near water you can swim ashore.
  • For every DNBO state a player is in, it will cause revive time to decrease at a faster rate for every subsequent time.
  • If a squad mate is in the DBNO state and the last player alive gets 'knocked out' or dead, everyone in the DBNO state will instantly die.

Update history

Update #60 (Season 15 - Update 15.2)
  • Extended entering the DBNO time.
    • Lengthen the ‘going into DBNO’ animation time which would increase the invulnerability time from 1 to 1.5 seconds.
  • Tweaked the DBNO bleed out time.
    • 1st knock: 83 seconds → 90 seconds
    • 2nd knock: 25 seconds → 30 seconds
    • 3rd knock: 13 seconds → 30 seconds
    • 4th knock: 9 seconds → 10 seconds
    • 5th knock: 7 seconds → 7 seconds(no changes)
    • 6th knock: 5 seconds(new)
    • 7th knock: 4 seconds(new)
    • 8th knock: 3 seconds(new)
    • 9th knock: 2 seconds(new)
  • DBNO movement by 10%.
    • Movement speed while DBNO underwater remains the same.
  • Reduced the Frag Grenade damage when in DBNO by 20%.
  • The damage received while wearing level 3 armor is now applied in all conditions, including when not wearing anything.
  • SR guns and crossbows, including Win94, are not affected by the DBNO balance, and damage has been increased.
    • SR: 35% increase
    • Crossbow: 12.5% increase
    • SR and Crossbows apply damage by armor conditions.
  • There are no changes in damage received from weapons not mentioned above.

Update #58 (Season 14 - Update 14.2)

Added in DBNO Swimming:

  • DBNO Players can swim for at half of the normal speed.
  • The air a player has in their lungs is not reset when entering DBNO, so a player who was drowning will continue to drown in DBNO.
  • In DBNO a player is constantly losing HP. combined with drowning HP loss this means that a DBNO player will die within 10 seconds underwater.
  • Reviving underwater is impossible, and any ongoing revive is canceled when either player goes underwater or moves around too much.
  • It is possible to revive a swimming DBNO player while floating on the water.

Update #57 (Season 14 - Update 14.1)

Added in Carrying:

There are pros and cons to picking up a downed player. For one, they’ll serve as a sort of human shield, guarding you against some incoming fire (pro for you, con for them…), but in return, you will not be able to sprint, jump, crouch, prone or hurdle, so make sure you choose your rescue route carefully. You can still fire while carrying a player, but your options are reduced to hip fire only. As for the carried player themselves, their bleed out time will be lowered, and they’ll also be able to spot for you, though their visibility will be limited to whichever way you turn them.

1.0 Update

  • UI/UX
    • Added indicators for team members to check their status (vehicle, parachuting, alive/dead, DBNO, connection status, etc.).

Closed Beta (3rd weekend) Update

  • Action
    • The moving speed when in the REVIVE state has been slightly increased.

Closed Beta Update

  • Gameplay
    • Added a “crawl” animation in the REVIVE state.

Alpha 2 (December Update)

  • DBNO
    • Once your character reaches 0 HP, you will enter the DBNO (Down But Not Out) state and your teammate has 90 seconds to revive you, or you will die permanently.
    • You can revive your teammate while they are in DBNO state by pressing F next to their body.
    • Once a player’s been revived, they return with 10% HP.
    • By dealing damage to a player in DBNO state, you will reduce the remaining time they have during which they can be revived.
    • You can enter the DBNO state multiple times during a match, but the time allowed for you to be revived will reduce each subsequent time (90s > 33s > 20s > 14s > 11s > 9s > 0s).
    • If your teammate is dead when you die, you will not enter DBNO state, but instead die immediately.