Data Key

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The data on this wiki is organized under several general headers in their respective categories and pages. This key is meant to define what these headers are.

Header Key

Abbreviation Full Name Description
DMG Hit Damage Direct damage applied before armor and other mitigating factors.
SPD Initial Bullet Speed The speed at which the bullet leaves the muzzle in meters per second. Higher numbers mean less lead required against distant moving targets.
TBS Time Between Shots The minimum amount of time in seconds that must pass before the weapon can be fired again.
PWR Body Hit Impact Power How hard a player's aim is thrown off target when hit. A higher number means a harder flinch. How much force is applied to a ragdoll when it is shot. Higher values mean a more stronger push.[1]
zRNG Zero Range The distances that the weapon can be zeroed to with iron sights. Typically in 100 meter increments unless noted otherwise, so a weapon showing a zero range of 100 - 1000 will be able to zero to 100m, 200m, 300m and so on through to 1000m.
MAG Ammo Per Mag The maximum amount of ammunition that can be held in a magazine.
Mode Firing Modes The modes this weapon can select. A weapon with Single, Auto in this field indicates that it can select between single fire mode or automatic fire mode.
BSHT Burst Shots If applicable, how many shots are fired in a single burst.
RoF Rate of Fire The effective rate of fire over time. Rendered obsolete by Time Between Shots.
BDEL Burst Delay The minimum amount of time in seconds that must pass before another burst can be fired again.
RAN Range The effective range before the damage is reduced to 0. Deprecated field.
STB Stability The amount of drift caused by movement and firing. Deprecated field.
AMM Ammunition Type The type of ammunition that the weapon accepts
CAP Capacity Also known as bulk, or the amount of inventory space taken up.
ATTCH Attachments What is attachable to the weapon itself.
BDMG 0 Body Damage Level 0 The amount of damage done to the body when no armor is equipped.
BDMG 1 Body Damage Level 1 The amount of damage done to the body when a level 1 vest is equipped.
BDMG 2 Body Damage Level 2 The amount of damage done to the body when a level 2 vest is equipped.
BDMG 3 Body Damage Level 3 The amount of damage done to the body when a level 3 vest is equipped.
HDMG 0 Head Damage Level 0 The amount of damage done to the head when no helmet is equipped.
HDMG 1 Head Damage Level 1 The amount of damage done to the head when a level 1 helmet is equipped.
HDMG 2 Head Damage Level 2 The amount of damage done to the head when a level 2 armor is equipped.
HDMG 3 Head Damage Level 3 The amount of damage done to the head when a level 3 armor is equipped.

Damage Calculations

While the exact formula used to detail damage is not entirely known, it is known that damage is dealt over four stages. At Level 0, the armor is considered to offer no protection (if indeed armor is worn at all), and no damage reduction penalty is incurred (such as the case with basic clothing). As levels increase, this assumes a higher tier level of armor, and thus the damage reduction is more significant (i.e., a Spetsnaz Helmet (Level 3) will reduce damage at a greater level than a Motorcycle Helmet (Level 1)).
