Help:Templates/Clothing crate template/doc

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Template-info.svg Documentation

This is just a generic crate infobox.


{{Infobox Crates
| name = --
| image =
| desc =
| irlcurrency =
| bpneeded =
| keyneeded =
| tradable =
| skinmarket =
| market =
| marketkey =
| crate_droprate = 
| despcrate_droprate = 
| bikecrate_droprate =
| militiacrate_droprate =
| hidesvest =
| category = 

The '''--''' is a [[Crates|crate]] in [[BATTLEGROUNDS]]. [[Category:Crates]]


== Questions ==

* Q: How do I get access to these skins?
 A: --

==Crate items==

Upon opening the crate, you get all these items in the --.

  |category= --
  |uses = Template:Infobox {{!}} Template:Infobox Crates
  |table=class="wikitable sortable",-,Image,Name,Category
  |includepage={Infobox}: image, {Infobox Crates}: image, {Infobox}: name, {Infobox Crates}: name, {Infobox}: category, {Infobox Crates}: category
  |tablerow=²{#if:%%¦align=center¦style="display:none"}²¦[[File:%%|52px]],²{#if:%%¦align=center¦style="display:none"}²¦[[File:%%|52px]],²{#if:%%¦align="center" width="320px"¦style="display:none"}²¦[[%PAGE%¦%%]],²{#if:%%¦align="center" width="320px"¦style="display:none"}²¦[[%PAGE%¦%%]],²{#if:%%¦align=center¦style="display:none"}²¦%%,²{#if:%%¦align=center¦style="display:none"}²¦%%

This is the documentation page, it should be transcluded into the main template page. See Template:Doc for more information.