Pillar Worldwide

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Pillar Worldwide is a company in the lore of BATTLEGROUNDS.


The Pillar Code is simple, with no exceptions.

  1. Tailor the service to the client. | Each situation is unique. We offer assessment services to help clients determine the type of solution, level of coverage, and price point that is best suited to their needs.
  2. Ask only the necessary questions. | We need the bare minimum to complete our services. We are no stranger to redacted information and classified files, and follow the level of confidentiality set by our clients.
  3. Execute the contract. | There are no surprises. We follow protocol as outlined in our agreements with clients, while staying alert and flexible in response to changing situations. If it is written, we will fulfill our duties.


Security Services

Pillar agents undergo comprehensive training to keep you, your property, and your assets safe from potential risks. No matter if it’s on the homefront or on foreign territory, we possess the technology and experience to ensure your peace of mind. We work with clients regardless of race, religion, or creed, and we will meet you wherever you stand.

Crisis Management

When faced with the unpredictable, Pillar is able to deploy security operators from anywhere in the world. The agents assigned to handle crisis calls are former members of elite tactical squads who act swiftly and precisely in high-risk situations. We understand that disaster waits for no one and are ready to intervene wherever and whenever you need us.