Records/The Paramo Stone

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She Who Created All Things placed in the Sky a Rock of Fire. But the Rock of Fire became dislodged and fell to the Earth.

The Rock of Fire landed among our people and awakened Her slumbering daughter Amancha, who began to issue Liquid Fire from the Earth. And our people saw that their land was devastated and fled to the Temple and begged for salvation.

She answered their prayers by turning the Liquid Fire into stone and by calming her daughter Amancha, who began to issue Water instead.

And where the Rock of Fire struck the Earth began to flourish with abundance, and all the creatures and plants were restored and multiplied.

And the city too began to flourish with abundance, and their elderly were renewed, and their sick were revived, and their weak were strengthened.

Thus did She Who Created All Things, through the Rock of Fire, bestow the gift of life everlasting.