Talk:System Requirements

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  • intel i5 3570k
  • asrock z68 extreme3 gen3
  • crucial m4 ssd 128gb
  • seagate 2tb hd
  • corsair vengeance 8gb 4x2
  • 2 sapphire hd7850 oc 2gb (crossfired)
  • nzxt-750w psu

Im having trouble playing on very low? shouldnt it run on at least low-med with 2 video cards? how can i improve performance. Better Ram?

I feel like the GPU is what's the problem. Just based on what I looked at, that GPU you have that came out in 2013? Maybe that's the problem. If not, the CPU is old and dying or the RAM needs to be upgraded to 16 GB. -- Azgoodaz (talk) 00:59, 15 August 2017 (UTC)