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Note: Statistics pulled from http://battlegrounds.party/weapons/raw/

The M24 is a bolt-action rifle weapon in BATTLEGROUNDS. As of Update #14 [1] the M24 now spawns in world, as well as receiving a slight reduction in damage.

The M24 Sniper Weapon System (SWS) is the military and police version of the Remington Model 700 rifle, M24 being the model name assigned by the United States Army after adoption as their standard sniper rifle in 1988. The M24 is referred to as a "weapon system" because it consists of not only a rifle, but also a detachable telescopic sight and other accessories.[2]


The M24 can be seen as another option after the Kar98k, with lower damage but higher muzzle velocity, it has slightly more deviation when not aiming down the sights. Being loaded via magazines, tactical reloads will be faster compared to the Kar98k's one-by-one reload, although full reloads with the M24's standard magazine will be slightly slower compared to a full reload with the Kar98k. Nevertheless, the M24 is a valuable weapon that should be prioritized for its ability to deal large amounts of damage at great distances.

The M24 will deal maximum damage out to 120 meters. Beyond that distance, damage will decrease, reaching its minimum damage value at 580 meters.

Servicable [sic] sniper rifle.
~ In-game description.

Update history

Update #55 (Season 13 - Update 13.1)
  • The ballistics of the following Sniper Rifle have been adjusted:
    • Increased muzzle velocity (+20-25m/s)
    • Slightly flatter bullet trajectory
    • Decreased drag
    • Increased damage coefficient at long range (0.9 → 0.95)
  • Some mechanics of the following Sniper Rifle have been adjusted:
    • Decreased bolt-action delay (~10%)
    • Increased bolt-action speed
    • Faster transition to scoping after bolting.
    • Increased rate of fire (~20%)

Update #31 (Season 4 - Update 4.1)

  • Reduced base damage of M24 from 79 to 75.

Update #14 - v3.8.37.5

  • Decreased basic damage of the M24 from 88 to 79.
  • M24 will no longer dropped in care package. It spawns in the world.

Official release PC 1.0 Update - v3.5.5.6

  • Increased damage of the M24.
  • Increased slightly the drag effect of the M24.


The following are attachable to this firearm:

Magazines‎ -

Image Name
Icon attach Magazine Extended SniperRifle.png Extended Mag (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw SniperRifle.png Extended QuickDraw Mag (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Magazine QuickDraw SniperRifle.png QuickDraw Mag (DMR, SR)

Muzzle -‎

Image Name
Icon attach Muzzle Compensator SniperRifle.png Compensator (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Muzzle FlashHider SniperRifle.png Flash Hider (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Muzzle Suppressor SniperRifle.png Suppressor (DMR, SR)

Sights -‎

Image Name
Icon attach Upper PM2 01.png 15x PM II Scope
Icon attach Upper Aimpoint2X 01.png 2x Aimpoint Scope
Icon attach Upper 3x.png 3x Backlit Scope
Icon attach Upper ACOG 01.png 4x ACOG Scope
Icon attach Upper 6x.png 6x Scope
Icon attach Upper CQBSS.png 8x CQBSS Scope
Icon attach Upper Canted sight.png Canted sight
Icon attach Upper Holosight.png Holographic Sight
Icon attach Upper DotSight 01.png Red Dot Sight

Stocks -‎

Image Name
Icon attach Stock SniperRifle CheekPad.png Cheek Pad (DMR, SR)

Master list

The following are all attachments available for this weapon. They are sorted alphabetically with no regard to the attachment point utilized.

Image Name
Icon attach Upper PM2 01.png 15x PM II Scope
Icon attach Upper Aimpoint2X 01.png 2x Aimpoint Scope
Icon attach Upper 3x.png 3x Backlit Scope
Icon attach Upper ACOG 01.png 4x ACOG Scope
Icon attach Upper 6x.png 6x Scope
Icon attach Upper CQBSS.png 8x CQBSS Scope
Icon attach Upper Canted sight.png Canted sight
Icon attach Stock SniperRifle CheekPad.png Cheek Pad (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Muzzle Compensator SniperRifle.png Compensator (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Magazine Extended SniperRifle.png Extended Mag (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Magazine ExtendedQuickDraw SniperRifle.png Extended QuickDraw Mag (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Muzzle FlashHider SniperRifle.png Flash Hider (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Upper Holosight.png Holographic Sight
Icon attach Magazine QuickDraw SniperRifle.png QuickDraw Mag (DMR, SR)
Icon attach Upper DotSight 01.png Red Dot Sight
Icon attach Muzzle Suppressor SniperRifle.png Suppressor (DMR, SR)


  • The M24's ability to accept a suppressor and load from box magazines indicates that it is modeled after the A2 variant of the M24 Sniper Weapon System.
  • The M24's suppressed sounds similar to AWM suppressed sounds.


Weapon audio

Audio Type Firing Mode Track preview
Normal Single fire M24 shot
Suppressed Single fire M24 shot
Reloading M24 reloading
