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Icon weapon Molotov.png



  • Q: 与Xbox和手机版的统计数据相比,有什么不同?
A: 所有平台的武器伤害基本相同,但在Xbox和手机版,基于后坐力等的伤害较低。在Xbox/手机游戏中瞄准是很困难的,所以PUBG通过降低一些数值让玩家更容易控制/瞄准武器。
  • Q: 我可以在哪里看到哪些武器最近更新了?
A: 见更新。



Click here for an explanation of these stats.


Click here for an explanation of these stats.


Click here for an explanation of these stats.


Click here for an explanation of these stats.


Click here for an explanation of these stats.

Header Key

Abbreviation Full Name Description
PWR Power The per shot damage without any multipliers applied.
RAN Range The effective range before the damage is reduced to 0.
STB Stability The amount of drift caused by movement and firing.
RoF Rate of Fire The effective rate of fire over time.
DMG Damage The theoretical damage from an entire magazine in the chest on unarmored opponent.
DUR Duration of Fire The rate of fire when in fully automatic or most rapid mode of firing available.
BPS Bullets Per Second The amount of ammunition placed down range in second.
DPS Damage Per Second The theoretical maximum amount of damage per second.
AMM Ammunition Type What type of ammunition is loaded into the arm.
MAG Magazine Size The size of the magazine.
CAP Capacity Also known as bulk, or the amount of inventory space taken up.
ATTCH Attachments What is attachable to the weapon frame.
BDMG 0 Body Damage Level 0 The amount of damage done to the body when the armor is at level 0.
BDMG 1 Body Damage Level 1 The amount of damage done to the body when the armor is at level 1.
BDMG 2 Body Damage Level 2 The amount of damage done to the body when the armor is at level 2.
BDMG 3 Body Damage Level 3 The amount of damage done to the body when the armor is at level 3.
HDMG 0 Head Damage Level 0 The amount of damage done to the head when the armor is at level 0.
HDMG 1 Head Damage Level 1 The amount of damage done to the head when the armor is at level 1.
HDMG 2 Head Damage Level 2 The amount of damage done to the head when the armor is at level 2.
HDMG 3 Head Damage Level 3 The amount of damage done to the head when the armor is at level 3.







Damage area.jpg
