Erangel (Classic)

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Erangel (Classic) is a fictional 8x8km island that is a playable map in PUBG, it was released in update 29.2.


Erangel is the base map for PUBG. An 8x8 km map dotted with small outcroppings of buildings, the distance between major landmarks necessitates the use of vehicles to move between areas. As the game continues, the map area will be restricted to a smaller and smaller play area. A red circle will appear on the map from time to time, marking an area for offshore artillery to bombard. Erangel has varying weather, sometimes affecting visibility and requiring a change in tactics.

Cities and the local military base have plenty of decent loot, but you won't be the only one thinking the same thing. A mix of urban areas and wide open farmland create a wide variety of battles, ranging from intense close range firefights in streets and buildings, to long range sniping duels taking place across wheat fields.

The name Erangel was chosen, using PLAYERUNKNOWN's daughter's name, Eryn, as inspiration.[1]

Development of Erangel began sometime in early 2016 when Bluehole (now PUBG Corp) was in talk with PLAYERUNKNOWN about making a Battle Royale game. Years later, in 2019, Erangel got a visual update that overhauled to the map called Erangel (Remastered) and in 2024 Erangel (Classic) was released.


Erangel is a fictional island in the Black Sea abandoned near Russia where a military occupation was controlling it. The military occupation tested chemical/biological experiments on the local populace. After a resistance attack on a biological facility, the island had to be abandoned.

Erangel was originally occupied by Soviet forces from the 1950s onwards and was used as a military testing facility, which explains the military base as well as the hospital and storage facilities. A local resistance movement fought to reclaim the island which eventually lead to the island becoming abandoned. The electrical field seen wreaking havoc on the island is powered by electrical emitters which were used to contain towns that were showing signs of revolting against the Soviet forces.[2]

